Quoting the every gorgeous Mr. Bon Jovi of course. "Whooah, were half way thereLivin on a prayerTake my hand and well make it - I swear Livin on a prayer".
T-3 is in the books and I'm FINISHED with FEC-D - my first treatment protocol, yahoo. This was the real industrial strength one that was recommended because I was healthy enough to handle it and, all in all, it's been much better than expected. A few bumps in the road along the way but usually 1 week of feeling about 75%, then 2 weeks of feeling about 95% so I surely can't complain.
There was a young woman (mid 30's?) beside me at my chemo session who was on the same treatment protocol as me but one treatment ahead so she had started the Taxotere/Herceptin mix. Nice lady and after we'd chatted a bit she said, "if we're on the same treatment schedule, how did you manage to keep your hair??" Best thing anyone could ever have said to me since I still feel self conscious wearing Wanda. Everyone to date that's said it looks good is a good friend and I'm never quite sure whether they mean it or are being polite. Well, now I have the confirmation that we're a good looking pair from a completely unbiased stranger - thank you whoever you are since I didn't get her name. Kathleen came with me and it was a great 4 hour bond-fest and she got to get all the 'learning' about the next phase. I'm glad since she missed the first teaching session. It took her a bit longer to wrap her head around all of this and get past the shock and fear, but she's right there now and realizes how wonderful the nurses and doctors are and that their goal is to make this as pleasant a phase as possible and minimize any discomfort.
Well, now I'm tired and off to bed. I'll be on the IV tomorrow and Fri, skip Sat to go to Louise's dads funereral service then one more 'drip day' on Sunday. Lots of good stuff happening over the next 2 weeks - including getting ready to go to Pawleys on the 6th for 8 day - can't wait since Laura, Sara and Emily are coming too! I can't wait to spend lots of beach time with Emy. She's only a2 months away from being 2, chattering up a storm and I'm sure we'll have lots of fun digging in the sand, chasing birds and playing in the ocean and pool, what fun! Signing off and thanks for the continued good wishes.

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