Me being off work is a disaster - a natural one again!
This has nothing to do with my illness or treatment, just an observation. Historically, I seem to be home from work when some major natural events or disasters happen. Everyone remembers where they were when President Kennedy was shot - I was home with a cold, my Nana was babysitting me and we were mesmerised by the TV for 2 days. I remember watching the funeral at school on a little TV they wheeled into the auditorium. I was home after having a tooth pulled when Bobby Kennedy was assassinated. I was home on one of my day's off from the hospital when the Challenger crashed. I remember calling Ralph (it was his day off too, and we marvelled and were devastated by what we were watching. He came over and we watched together downstairs at the Dalston house). I took a week off to paint my upstairs almost 3 years ago today. My first day off , as I remember was the day Katrina hit and I shuffled the little TV around upstairs as far as the cable would take it as I watched that horrific disaster unfold before my eyes. I was away in Pawleys on vacation in October 2005 when rain drenching tropical storm Tammy hit the east coast causing major flooding in South Carolina. I don't know if the tsunami counts since everyone was off for the Christmas holidays but I'll put that in here too. And now, tomorrow we'll see what horror Gustav will bring to the Gulf Coast. Kathleen, the 'Bling Queen' is in Orlando at a work convention but will fly home tomorrow night before any effects of Hanna hit the eastern Fl/Georgia coast and I've just e-mailed a friend in Orlando to check on the weather there. I'd just better be doing some kind of 'work' every day to save everybody else from disaster! At least this will keep me glued to CNN tomorrow and keep my mind off my next 'T-day' on Tuesday.....
Oh no, the great molt has begun!
Like everyone else, I'm sure, I wake up each morning, look on the pillow for stray hair, ruffle my head to see if anything falls out and then yank in a few places to see what's up. This morning the pillow test was ok, a bit more than usual it seems filtered from my ruffling but good Lord, everywhere I yanked little tufts pulled out... yikes! It's started. First thing I did was look out the window to see if it was windy or not - I pictured myself out today with Miss Daisy in a stiff breeze with my frizz leaving my head like a demented dandelion. Good news - no wind. My next thoughts were how to keep it from falling out in clumps and leaving me looking like Mr. Burns. While all these ridiculous thoughts to stall the inevitable were roiling in my head I checked some e-mails and found this from my dear friend Pat, Laurie's mom:
There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.'Well,' she said, 'I think I'll braid my hair today.'So she did and she had a wonderful day.The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.'H-M-M,' she said,'I think I'll part my hair down the middle today.'So she did and she had a grand day.The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.'Well,' she said, 'today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail.'So she did, and she had a fun, fun day.The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.'YAY!' she exclaimed.'I don't have to fix my hair today!'
Attitude is everything.Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.Live simply, Love generously,Care deeply, Speak kindly.......Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain. (And I will!)
Thanks Pat. You're another constellation in the Starburst that makes me grateful for our friendship and family connection. As you bask in your beloved retirement (as of today!) and prepare for your wonderful mission to the Galapagos for the next 3 weeks, we'll be keeping you in our hearts and anxiously awaiting your return - hopefully to welcome our newest grandbaby - which I'm betting my $$ on being a boy - no reason at all, just because. Should he/she arrive before your return, be comforted in knowing that THIS Nana will be hugging for both of us! I'll make sure Little Lemon gets extra kisses from his/her bald Nana on both our behalfs.
There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.'Well,' she said, 'I think I'll braid my hair today.'So she did and she had a wonderful day.The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.'H-M-M,' she said,'I think I'll part my hair down the middle today.'So she did and she had a grand day.The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.'Well,' she said, 'today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail.'So she did, and she had a fun, fun day.The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.'YAY!' she exclaimed.'I don't have to fix my hair today!'
Attitude is everything.Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.Live simply, Love generously,Care deeply, Speak kindly.......Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain. (And I will!)
Thanks Pat. You're another constellation in the Starburst that makes me grateful for our friendship and family connection. As you bask in your beloved retirement (as of today!) and prepare for your wonderful mission to the Galapagos for the next 3 weeks, we'll be keeping you in our hearts and anxiously awaiting your return - hopefully to welcome our newest grandbaby - which I'm betting my $$ on being a boy - no reason at all, just because. Should he/she arrive before your return, be comforted in knowing that THIS Nana will be hugging for both of us! I'll make sure Little Lemon gets extra kisses from his/her bald Nana on both our behalfs.
Everybody should have a Bunny....
... and a MaryLynne and a Laura, and a Sara, and a Dan & Laurie and a Kathleen and Chris - more commonly known as the ChrisLeen Team. All these individuals and couples have taken upon themselves to be my 'team' of nurses, helpers, cooks, drivers, health consultants, researchers and fashion and makeup artists.
Bunny and MaryLynn are actual RN's. I got to know MaryLynn after my first surgery and she showed up at my door the next day to check up on me, show me how to drain the dastardly drain, answer any questions and generally cheer me up and keep me informed. Once the chemo started I was told I could request her again, if she was available (she was, yeah!) and she again showed up on Day 2 to check up on me and answer questions. As the miserable days wore on, she arrived to give me nausea preventing shots in my derriere and give me tips on how to feel better. She always remembered which bum she'd poked the time before and, even after I started feeling great, called just to make sure. She's on board for Round 2 and I know she'll be there to help me out again, should I need it.
Bunny is also an RN - retired so she says - but lives in South Carolina and her primary duty is the cleaning and maintenance of the wonderful condo we bought last year. She's been another lifeline of information, encouragement and duties 'above and beyond' as she looks after all and sundry related to my sometimes less than stellar tenants who break things, leave a mess and lock things that shouldn't be locked. As she tells me, 'if I can't fix it myself, I'll find someone who will!' She's already informed me that she'll be on board in her RN role when we visit in October and has lined up one of 'her' Drs just in case I need anything while I'm away. I bless the woman every day and wonder if she really is real - but I know she is and I can't wait to see her again with her great humour and my favourite southern drawl.
My sister Laura and daughter Sara have taken it upon themselves to be my 'family' nursing staff. Laura is the doer of all things that need doing - cooking, bringing me meds, taking to appointments, calling every day and making sure everything keeps ticking. Not just for me but for Dave and his mom as well. After her own health issues this winter and spring, we're kind of looking out for each other, it's just her turn at the moment. Sara is the 'nurse to be' and researcher extraordaire keeping me on my toes with my symptoms and meds and coming up with new information and websites when we're scratching our heads over something. With a BUSY almost 2 year old, it's a wonder she has time to sleep but there's never a day without a call or an e-mail to check up on me - and great 'girl' visits when we can. After the wonderful care she gave her Nana in her last weeks, this girl will be a blessing to any patients fortunate enough to get her.
Dan and Laurie are my nutritional consultants and continue to provide me with a fabulous array of good, healthy foods, a juicer which I'm still working my way into, some great reading and advice and unending positive support. How they manage to keep on top of all of this and fuss over me while expecting a baby in the next few weeks and running a wonderful business www.twistedlemon.ca (I'm your mother, I can shamelessly plug it if I want to!) is beyond me but they do and I appreciate it. The ChrisLeen team look after my spiritual well being with books, movie nights, humour and Kathleen is the official 'bling' queen. I'm being supplied with lovely things to wear, makeup tips and endless manicures and pedicures to make me look great when I feel like crap.
All in all, I have decided I have a complete 'Starburst' team surrounding me. Remember those fabulous fireworks as a kid that exploded with a centre burst then a huge array of twinking little constellations surrounding it. That's what I have - a wonderful group of people from all different parts of my life that are there to support, help, cheer and reassure me when I need it. You'll hear of more of them as time goes on but I am grateful and blessed to have each and every one of them in my 'Starburst'!
Bunny and MaryLynn are actual RN's. I got to know MaryLynn after my first surgery and she showed up at my door the next day to check up on me, show me how to drain the dastardly drain, answer any questions and generally cheer me up and keep me informed. Once the chemo started I was told I could request her again, if she was available (she was, yeah!) and she again showed up on Day 2 to check up on me and answer questions. As the miserable days wore on, she arrived to give me nausea preventing shots in my derriere and give me tips on how to feel better. She always remembered which bum she'd poked the time before and, even after I started feeling great, called just to make sure. She's on board for Round 2 and I know she'll be there to help me out again, should I need it.
Bunny is also an RN - retired so she says - but lives in South Carolina and her primary duty is the cleaning and maintenance of the wonderful condo we bought last year. She's been another lifeline of information, encouragement and duties 'above and beyond' as she looks after all and sundry related to my sometimes less than stellar tenants who break things, leave a mess and lock things that shouldn't be locked. As she tells me, 'if I can't fix it myself, I'll find someone who will!' She's already informed me that she'll be on board in her RN role when we visit in October and has lined up one of 'her' Drs just in case I need anything while I'm away. I bless the woman every day and wonder if she really is real - but I know she is and I can't wait to see her again with her great humour and my favourite southern drawl.
My sister Laura and daughter Sara have taken it upon themselves to be my 'family' nursing staff. Laura is the doer of all things that need doing - cooking, bringing me meds, taking to appointments, calling every day and making sure everything keeps ticking. Not just for me but for Dave and his mom as well. After her own health issues this winter and spring, we're kind of looking out for each other, it's just her turn at the moment. Sara is the 'nurse to be' and researcher extraordaire keeping me on my toes with my symptoms and meds and coming up with new information and websites when we're scratching our heads over something. With a BUSY almost 2 year old, it's a wonder she has time to sleep but there's never a day without a call or an e-mail to check up on me - and great 'girl' visits when we can. After the wonderful care she gave her Nana in her last weeks, this girl will be a blessing to any patients fortunate enough to get her.
Dan and Laurie are my nutritional consultants and continue to provide me with a fabulous array of good, healthy foods, a juicer which I'm still working my way into, some great reading and advice and unending positive support. How they manage to keep on top of all of this and fuss over me while expecting a baby in the next few weeks and running a wonderful business www.twistedlemon.ca (I'm your mother, I can shamelessly plug it if I want to!) is beyond me but they do and I appreciate it. The ChrisLeen team look after my spiritual well being with books, movie nights, humour and Kathleen is the official 'bling' queen. I'm being supplied with lovely things to wear, makeup tips and endless manicures and pedicures to make me look great when I feel like crap.
All in all, I have decided I have a complete 'Starburst' team surrounding me. Remember those fabulous fireworks as a kid that exploded with a centre burst then a huge array of twinking little constellations surrounding it. That's what I have - a wonderful group of people from all different parts of my life that are there to support, help, cheer and reassure me when I need it. You'll hear of more of them as time goes on but I am grateful and blessed to have each and every one of them in my 'Starburst'!
Sleeping in your own bed is not just for 2 year olds!
Rule #1 - when you are not returning home for the night remember your drugs! Still a novitiate at this pill regimen I forgot to bring my Angel pills with me yesterday and spent the night tossing and turning trying to sleep - albeit in my old room at 94. Between the cat rush hour coming in and out of the room to visit the Cat Man, the different sounds of the city (oh, I'm such a country mouse) and the non-effects of the SleepyTime tea, it was one of those frustrating events. I did, however, replay what was a wonderful day over and over in my mind into the wee hours - from realizing I had not forgotten my glasses halfway to the city and didn`t have to turn around to go get them, to Kathleen`s wonderful charred burgers to Harry Potter 5. Whether the steriods, chemo 'battery acid' or just my plain old garden variety menopause, the night ticked away as I reviewed the wonderful retirement party for Wendy that afternoon. Dave works for one of those rare, lovely companies where employees are more like family, treated with respect and honoured when due - so do I but that`s another story for another day. Dave's actually worked their twice - as have quite a few of the staff. In the 80's, then a brief respite in Corporate Canada, then back 'home' as he calls it. Bob and Susan, the wonderful, caring delightful owners of PI feted one of their own as she reluctantly hung up her Accounts Receivable journals (yes, the original was there for all of us oldies that remember manual journal entries!) to join the land of the retiree. A beautiful day, lots of good friends and food, many funny stories and a tearful farewell on both sides. Wendy will be visiting Jolly Old as her parting gift but I know we`ll see her again at the annual events to catch up on what she`s doing. I`m not the philosophical type. Oh, I try sometimes to get ethereal, deep and thoughtful but I usually forget what Ì`m trying to be philosophical about and go throw in a load of laundry. However, I am endlessly sentimental and shed a tear or two as Bob struggled to say `farewell, not goodbye` to someone he genuinely cares about. A softie is Bob and through this adventure I am honoured to classified as one of `his girls`. He`s seen too many of us go down this road but his humour, big warm hugs and ever present caring are always there in your mind in the worst of times. I honestly feel sad for any woman travelling this road that does not have this kind of support network in her circle. Lucky me.
Remember all those things you worried about every day...?
Hair was one of the biggest events of every day of my life. Being blessed/cursed with thick, curly (no frizzy/wavy would be a better description), I have spent too many hours to count taping my bangs, ironing, straightening, curling, uncurling, perming, streaking, colouring, using orange juice cans to straighten , enough $$ and boxes of 'Curl Free' to build a small subdivision, walking around with a stupid bubble hair cap dryer and a 25' extension cord while talking on the phone (with Dad yelling at me that I'll probably electrocute myself), wearing a hat after said curling to straighten curls - go figure. Needless to say, it all got solved on Wed night when Kathleen and Chris joined us for a lovely BBQ and 'buzz night' to do in advance what nature will do within the next week - rob me of my lovely, frustrating, ' I don't even remember what my real hair looks like' locks. Many laughs, iron hand gripping minutes later, it was all on the floor (made the kitchen actually look like Woodie was still around) and I resembled many of my balding (but highly sophisticated looking) male friends. Still gray at the temples but surprisingly darker in other places - see I really didn't remember it's true colour. Well, they say I have a reasonably shaped head - good thing because that's one thing I can't change. Wanda still sits blissfully waiting for her debut into society but for now - combined with my way cool new specs - this isn't so bad. The only 'oops' moment occured as I was toasting with my requisite scotch realizing that I was also the recipient of my evening sleeping pill. Probably not a good idea unless I wanted to go for a more permanent nap so I passed the scotch along to Dave who forced it down reluctantly. It was the only real alcohol in the house for toasting since we forgot the beer store closed early and had to wash our roast beef down with Beck's non=alcoholic brew. Oh, Kat and Chris did toast my noggin with rum and cranberry which they agreed was quite passable. Well, I'll keep rubbing my bristles for a week or so and lament the day I wake up and it's on the pillow like a delinquent pet allowed on the bed.
The Beat goes on... .and on.... and on....
To paraphrase Melissa Etheridge "I'm not going through chemotherapy to not do what I love. So y'all can come with me or not. I'm having a blast." Ask the kids... I've been bopping around and talking more than in the last 10 years - or since my last friday night visit to Rochdale - you pick. All my Ryersonian friends will know of what I speak. What will I do? Well, the book's still out there (next week to start), refinish some furniture, redesign 2 bathrooms, plan and get quotes for the deck, more wedding planning, ENDLESS baby shopping - and little girl shopping - 2 Old Coots cruises left, planning for Orlando (yeah, hope to see Penny!) and just making it through every third week's treatment. I'm definitely spoiled by this one since after day 6, it's been excellent. I'm a PUF (poor, unemployed friend) but I'll happily meet people for lunch or after work and maybe even see a movie or 2. D. starts his 'travel extravaganza' end Sept (Phoenix), Oct/Nov (Vegas), we're PLANNING on Pawleys for 10 days in Oct with Laura, then Orlando in December. Gotta fill the time somehow!!! That knitting thing keeps surfacing then diving again..... maybe a baby blanket!
There is an Angel and her name is 'Ativan'!
Downers, relaxers, mama's little helper in reverse, call it what you want, it is CALMMMMMMM baby. Wish I'd had this 3 days ago but then I'd never have gotten my eyes checked, had lunch with Sandy, had the oil changed in the Mustang, gone to Walmart, ordered yet another wig (good lord!), bought new glasses, emptied the dishwasher, did 2 more loads of laundry and am getting ready to go with D to pump out the tanks on the motorhome... and that was just today! I may be sorry I got this stuff but it will be sweet dreams tonight I'm sure... maybe I can time my manic phases to accomplish stuff and relax every OTHER day! Hendy, as long as you want your garden tended with a backhoe, I'm in.. don't think I have the patience for tender care! LOL.
I think I'll dig a hole for a pool......hmmmm,
That's how much energy I have. I was advised that week 2 would knock me flat with fatigue and succeptibility to germs. Well, I'm so flippin antsy I COULD dig a pool - Olympic sized. Spent the day with Sara shopping (yes, lots of hand santizer), indulged in a McDonald's Angus Burger (mmmmm, burger - yes I KNOW it's not healthy but I wanted one) and have since cleaned my solar lamps, trimmed 2 bushes, clipped the cats toenails, done all my banking and answered a bunch of e0mails. Am I the poster girl for fatigue? Anyone want their house painted, their driveway sealed or their roof done? I'm your girl! Maybe it won't last and I won't be able to drag my sorry bum out of bed tomorrow but I'm getting as much done today and possible. Anyone who knows me knows that this is NOT my character... I'm pretty much the president of the 'Nap every afternoon Club' - not any more! Hmmm, what can I do now?>>>>>
Sunny Days, oh them sunny, sunny days...
Yep, feeling much better. Laura,Sara, Kathleen,Chris and I did the baby shower for Laurie, Dan and the girls today. Great time! Good friends, good food and lots of great presents and good wishes for the family in waiting. Great to see Pat and John after their midadventure with the car at Woodward and Glen roared in on his new bike and took all the girlies for a ride - poor guy.
Dan and I had a weepy moment when I gave him a pretty little sweater my mom (his Nana) made for him as a baby - he'll be a great Dad and we already know Laurie's a fabulous mom. Matt, Vanessa, Les and everyone else, thanks for coming. I know it meant a lot to them and I felt bad I didn't stay long enough to finish the cleanup but I'm pretty pooped. All my best get well wishes to Bev for a speedy recovery - we missed you all today - glad you're OK. As Melanie Wilkes said 'the best days are the days that babies come'!!! C'mon Little Lemon, we're all waiting.
Dan and I had a weepy moment when I gave him a pretty little sweater my mom (his Nana) made for him as a baby - he'll be a great Dad and we already know Laurie's a fabulous mom. Matt, Vanessa, Les and everyone else, thanks for coming. I know it meant a lot to them and I felt bad I didn't stay long enough to finish the cleanup but I'm pretty pooped. All my best get well wishes to Bev for a speedy recovery - we missed you all today - glad you're OK. As Melanie Wilkes said 'the best days are the days that babies come'!!! C'mon Little Lemon, we're all waiting.
And the winner is!!!!!... Gravol!!!
Whodathunkit! I finally gave up and asked the good old drug store man if I could take some since it works so well for me for other things. 'Sure' he said, it won't hurt so give it a try. I almost took him home and offered him a beer! With the toxic soup already scooting through me, how bad can it be... poison, nah... finally feel human again. Laundry, dinner, weeding, watering plants, online banking,.... hey, it was easier being sick~ NOT!!! I'm looking forward to seeing EVERYONE tomorrow at the baby shower. Can't believe Little Lemon's almost here!
Sheesh, let's try something else.
The good old pharmacist suggested Gravol, so i'll give it a whirl. Better today though. forced myself out to get beer, the cake for the shower tomorrow, a lottery ticket (I'm due) and stopped in for some Rollo ice cream at Grackle coffee house in S'berg. Can't be that bad if ice cream makes it better! Amanda says hello to all that know! Cmon Gravol, do your stuff.
Enough, already
Tired of feeling like this - my own little pity party at the moment. don't need to feel like I could run a marathon but non-queasy would be fine. More sticks in the bum I guess and hope tomorrow's better.
Rocky road - good for ice cream only.
Well, another day, another shot in the butt from my angel nurse Mary Lynn. It sure worked yesterday so HOPEFULLY today is the end of this crummy nausea just hovering in the background. Reminds me of my infrequent experience with morning sickness so many years ago. But, like that, Im sure it will go away. Probably won't answer the phone much today but thanks for all the good thoughts and wishes. My private sect'y/nurse Laura is screeening my calls and enjoying talking to everyone - she says nobody ever calls her! Can't wait to see everyone a the shower Sunday.
Damn, I hate rollercoasters!
One day down, one up, won down. Not so great today - kind of 'low grade' flu-ish. Not horrible but yesterday was definitely better. Well, I'll wander into the den and try and watch some Olympics, probably get another fix of Baby Story and Wedding Story (oh my God!) and dive into the 2nd Shoppaholic book if I feel better. Determined to make my daily trek down to the mailbox so I don't feel like a hermit and hope that tomorrow's better yet again. Blech...
Day One.... done...
Well, I won't lie and say it was pleasant. Laura and I had a fine time at the initital treatment. They sure look after you well and cater to your every need. Was OK until about 3pm then it started to go downhill. However, my fighting team super hero team of Zofran, Decadron and Stemetil finally started to kick in after about 7 so I did manage to get some sleep and feel a bit more human this morning. I will never turn up my nose, however, to anyone who does not appreciate the benefits of 'back end medication' if you get my drift! I don't think I will ever be able to stand the smell of food let alone eat it for the rest of my life judging by how I feel today. Hopefully that will pass or I'll be back in a size O before I know it. Day by day, I guess and hopefully tomorrow will be the last lousy one.
Things you never imagined you'd do!
Losing all your hair and buying a wig is definitely on the top of the list... right up there with meeting Harrison Ford and Pierce Brosnan - although meeting either of them would be much more pleasurable but certainly not as funny. However, choosing a 'cranial prosthesis' (no, I'm not kidding) is definitely more fun with your daughters in tow as critics. It is slightly depressing when they look better in the lids than you do but 30 years does make a difference. However, Wanda the Wig and I are now companions. She's still resting comfortably in her box and I walk by it each time thinking 'will I or won't I' try it on. Trust me, having natural hair as short as a Jack Russel does not make it easy when choosing a replacement. Most 'hair alternatives' - why they just can't call it a wig or a hairpiece is beyond me - either look like what the old lady down the street used to wear to church or are trying to imitate JLo. Hmmm, not for me. However, Wanda does take me back to the not-so-long-ago when I actually did wear my hair slightly longer and, blissfully, minus the gray. She definitely needs a trip to the groomer for a clip and I have to remember to get the ear pieces on right or I'll look a bit like Cousin IT. Haven't donned it for Dave yet, though if he laughs or gives me one of those 'looks' I'll make him wear her! I actually looked pretty good with her on my noggin wearing Kathleen's glasses but I couldn't see 4 feet so I may have to invest in a new, jazzier pair to complement Wanda to the max. Kathleen demanded her specs back, selfish kid. Well, probably another 10 days or so until I do the the 'GI Jane' buzz and escort Wanda to her deserved spot as my cranial companion. I'm sure we'll have many lovely moments to share... if only I can figure out a way to keep her lashed to my lid with the top down on my car. More to come....
5 Days to go
Well, I'm hoping that this is a good idea to be able to keep all of you who want to know how my chemo adventure is progressing. It's been a great boost to me to know that the people that mean the most to me are actually interested in being part of my journey. And that's what it will be... complete with hills, valleys, sunshine, rain and everything in between. Keep popping by and see what rambling thoughts have made it from my head to the page on any given day and don't be afraid to join in. I may not answer right away if I'm extraordinarily busy sleeping, reading or doing something else just as taxing but I'm looking forward to keeping in touch this way. Until I get the rhythm of this thing down, I'll probably not be phoning much.
Just to bring everyone up to date, my first (dreaded) chemo treatment is on Mon Aug 11 in the morning. To date, I've had every test possible (all good results!) and had a port-a-cath put in yesterday. I'm a junkie's nightmare with miserable little veins (yes, I was fired by the Red Cross and told to never come back to give blood again) that go into hiding every time they see a needle. My little port-buddy is under my skin just above my heart on the left side and will be my friend through the next year or so for putting stuff in and taking stuff out. Look ma, no hands!
I've read as much as I can about my treatments so I think I'm prepared - probably for the worst but I hope it's like labour... the stories get worse the more they're told. I'm a pretty tough nut so, with the right combination of meds, vitamins, good food & natural stuff I'm hoping it won't be too bad.
Anyway, stay tuned and check in when you can. I promise that this won't look like a medical journal. I'll be making sure that all the other exciting things in my life take priority here.
Thanks for dropping by!
Just to bring everyone up to date, my first (dreaded) chemo treatment is on Mon Aug 11 in the morning. To date, I've had every test possible (all good results!) and had a port-a-cath put in yesterday. I'm a junkie's nightmare with miserable little veins (yes, I was fired by the Red Cross and told to never come back to give blood again) that go into hiding every time they see a needle. My little port-buddy is under my skin just above my heart on the left side and will be my friend through the next year or so for putting stuff in and taking stuff out. Look ma, no hands!
I've read as much as I can about my treatments so I think I'm prepared - probably for the worst but I hope it's like labour... the stories get worse the more they're told. I'm a pretty tough nut so, with the right combination of meds, vitamins, good food & natural stuff I'm hoping it won't be too bad.
Anyway, stay tuned and check in when you can. I promise that this won't look like a medical journal. I'll be making sure that all the other exciting things in my life take priority here.
Thanks for dropping by!
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